Crisis Management Training Simulation
The set goal: to expand the integration of military simulation systems with critical infrastructure tools.
CMTS is a Synthetic Training Environment is to provide a realistic and complex training and modeling environment to train various parties of managing a crisis situation: law enforcement (military, police, disaster management, etc.), intervention units of critical infrastructures, politician decision makers, local authorities, etc. In the complex environment, not only tasks are practiced, but also the communication and cooperation between different organizations.
CMTS includes considerable amount of subsystem: constructive and virtual simulators, replicas of the real systems like Early Warning Monitoring system, onboard reconnaissance software, life detectors etc. Using data exchange gateways all components see a common virtual environment and exchange data and events.

Marcus conscructive simulator:
An entity-level and aggregate livel simulator
based on a digital terrain database, which models, among other things, chemical
and radiation pollution, their spread and effects, and their clearance processes. It
is possible to simulate industrial and natural disasters. Complex meteorological
Virtual (3D) simulators (KRONOS, RECON):
It supports the training of the crew of various reconnaissance vehicles (car, helicopter), the entities and events modeled in the constructive simulator are visible in the virtual simulator.
conditions can also be set.
Other, HLA compliant simulators
Data exchange:

WEB server
Device emulator: It models the operation of real detectors and detector networks and provides data to the software and IT systems used in reality. Any operation can be programmed, e.g. generation of measured data of detector errors, radiation and chemical sensors.
Import file emulator: This emulator generates the same files in the same manner as Early Warning Monitoring System partners (local organization, other countries, EU) send nuclear and meteorological measurement data.
HLA gateway: It is responsible for the data exchange between simulators.
level. The tactical database contains detailed technical parameters of modelled military equipment used by NATO and other countries.
Replicas of live systems:

Early warning monitoring system replica: National radiation and meteorological measurement network, a tool for disaster prevention.

Radiation portal monitor replica: It is installed at national borders, nuclear power plants, medical facilities, etc. measures the person or vehicle passes through.

On-board CBRN software replica: Integrated software for reconnaissance vehicles equipped with detectors (radiation, chemical, meteorological).

Other ModBus compliant system replicas.


Live systems (detectors, vehicles, etc.):
Early warning monitoring system: National radiation and meteorological measurement network, a tool for disaster prevention. Example: Hungarian RTH and Molari systems.

Radiation portal monitors: It is installed at national borders, nuclear power plants, medical facilities, etc. measures the person or vehicle passes through. Example: radiation portals on the gates of the Hungarian nuclear power plant (Paks), big logistic centers, medical centers, border, etc.

CBRN vehicles with on-board CBRN software: Integrated software for reconnaissance vehicles equipped with detectors (radiation, chemical, meteorological). Example: Komondor CBRN reconnaissance vehicle, reconnaissance, and operative vehicles of the Hungarian Police, CBRN reconnaissance helicopter, etc.

Other ModBus compliant systems.

Other tools:

Google Street View, and map: High fidelity visualization of the virtual situation.
Google Earth: High fidelity visualization of the virtual situation.
GeoServer: Provides map data for different subsystems. Example: OpenStreetMap offline map server.